The following transaction of Raiyan company occurred during the month of May 2014. May- 1, Purchase merchandise from Habib company TK.30,000 term 2/14 net/30. May- 5, Purchase goods from shaad company for TK.50,000 terms 1/10 net/45. May- 13, Purchase merchandise from ‘’A” company TK.5,000 terms 2/10 net/45. May- 19, Purchase goods from Asif company TK.20,000 for cash ।। Note BD

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The following transaction of Raiyan company occurred during the month of May 2014. May- 1, Purchase merchandise from Habib company TK.30,000 term 2/14 net/30. May- 5, Purchase goods from shaad company for TK.50,000 terms 1/10 net/45. May- 13, Purchase merchandise from ‘’A” company TK.5,000 terms 2/10 net/45. May- 19, Purchase goods from Asif company TK.20,000 for cash

The following transaction of Raiyan company occurred during the month of May 2014. May- 1, Purchase merchandise from Habib company TK.30,000 term 2/14 net/30. May- 5, Purchase goods from shaad company for TK.50,000 terms 1/10 net/45. May- 13, Purchase merchandise from ‘’A” company TK.5,000 terms 2/10 net/45. May- 19, Purchase goods from Asif company TK.20,000 for cash

The following transaction of Raiyan company occurred during the month of May 2014. May- 1, Purchase merchandise from Habib company TK.30,000 term 2/14 net/30. May- 5, Purchase goods from shaad company for TK.50,000 terms 1/10 net/45. May- 13, Purchase merchandise from ‘’A” company TK.5,000 terms 2/10 net/45. May- 19, Purchase goods from Asif company TK.20,000 for cash

The following transaction of Raiyan company occurred during the month of May 2014. May- 1, Purchase merchandise from Habib company TK.30,000 term 2/14 net/30. May- 5, Purchase goods from shaad company for TK.50,000 terms 1/10 net/45. May- 13, Purchase merchandise from ‘’A” company TK.5,000 terms 2/10 net/45. May- 19, Purchase goods from Asif company TK.20,000 for cash

The following transaction of Raiyan company occurred during the month of May 2014. May- 1, Purchase merchandise from Habib company TK.30,000 term 2/14 net/30. May- 5, Purchase goods from shaad company for TK.50,000 terms 1/10 net/45. May- 13, Purchase merchandise from ‘’A” company TK.5,000 terms 2/10 net/45. May- 19, Purchase goods from Asif company TK.20,000 for cash
The following transaction of Raiyan company occurred during the month of May 2014. May- 1, Purchase merchandise from Habib company TK.30,000 term 2/14 net/30. May- 5, Purchase goods from shaad company for TK.50,000 terms 1/10 net/45. May- 13, Purchase merchandise from ‘’A” company TK.5,000 terms 2/10 net/45. May- 19, Purchase goods from Asif company TK.20,000 for cash
#The following transaction of Raiyan company occurred during the month of May 2014. May- 1, Purchase merchandise from Habib company TK.30,000 term 2/14 net/30. May- 5, Purchase goods from shaad company for TK.50,000 terms 1/10 net/45. May- 13, Purchase merchandise from ‘’A” company TK.5,000 terms 2/10 net/45. May- 19, Purchase goods from Asif company TK.20,000 for cash Unknown

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